第十八届全球公民身份大会将于2023年11月27日至29日在新加坡举行。 The 18th Global Citizenship Conference will be held in Singapore from November 27-29, 2023.
由Henley & Partners组织的第18届全球公民大会将于11月27日至29日在新加坡举行,来自50多个国家的400多名代表将出席。 The 18th Global Citizenship Conference, organized by Henley & Partners, will occur in Singapore from November 27-29, attracting over 400 delegates from more than 50 countries. 活动将侧重于投资移徙,讨论影响富裕家庭流动的法律、经济和监管趋势。 The event will focus on investment migration, discussing legal, economic, and regulatory trends affecting mobility for wealthy families. 知名发言者包括各总理和全球投资者。 Notable speakers include various prime ministers and global investors. 会议还将举办全球公民奖晚宴,支持安丹基金会的难民倡议。 The conference will also feature the Global Citizen Award Dinner, supporting the Andan Foundation's refugee initiatives.