德国立法者因建议舒尔茨总理计划与普京会面而面临强烈反对。 German lawmaker faces backlash for suggesting Chancellor Scholz planned a meeting with Putin.
在二月大选前, 总理奥拉夫·舍尔茨可能会与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京会面。 German lawmaker Roderich Kiesewetter from the CDU suggested Chancellor Olaf Scholz might meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin before February elections. Scholz和他的社会民主党强烈否认这些指控,称其为虚假和不雅,政府计划对基斯韦特人采取法律行动。 Scholz and his SPD party strongly denied the claims, calling them false and indecent, and the government plans legal action against Kiesewetter. SPD要求撤回和道歉, 指控CDU散布「捏造的指控」。 The SPD demanded a retraction and apology, accusing the CDU of spreading "fabricated allegations."