两座空置的温尼伯建筑的火灾导致疏散,促使城市采取执法行动。 Fires in two vacant Winnipeg buildings lead to evacuations, prompting city enforcement action.
温尼伯北区的一座三层空闲公寓楼自2023年以来第三次失火,导致计划拆除。 A vacant three-story apartment building in Winnipeg's North End caught fire for the third time since 2023, leading to its planned demolition. 邻居住宅被暂时疏散。 Neighboring homes were temporarily evacuated. Spence区一个空置房屋发生另一起火灾,也造成疏散,但没有人受伤。 Another fire broke out in a vacant house in the Spence neighborhood, also causing evacuations but no injuries. 这两起火灾正在调查之中,该市正在加紧执行对空置建筑物的执法措施。 Both fires are under investigation, and the city is stepping up enforcement on vacant buildings.