消防员面对强风和湿度低的警告,面临与野火作斗争的严峻条件。 Firefighters face tough conditions battling wildfires amid warnings of strong winds and low humidity.
消防员在跨越多个州的野火中抗争, Firefighters are bracing for challenging conditions as they battle wildfires across multiple states. 国家气象局发布了关于不可预测的天气的警告,包括强风和低湿度,这可能会使遏制大火的努力复杂化。 The National Weather Service has issued warnings about unpredictable weather, including strong winds and low humidity, which could complicate efforts to contain the blazes. 当局正在敦促居民不断了解情况,为可能的疏散做好准备。 Authorities are urging residents to stay informed and prepare for potential evacuations.