里诺发生致命的翻车事故,造成一人死亡,一人受伤;怀疑速度是一个因素。 A fatal rollover crash in Reno left one dead and another injured; speed is suspected as a factor.
周日早上,里诺发生了一起致命的翻车事故,导致一人死亡,乘客受伤没有生命危险。 A fatal rollover crash occurred in Reno on Sunday morning, resulting in one death and a non-life-threatening injury to the passenger. 速度被怀疑为一个因素。 Speed is suspected to be a factor. 南McCarran大道一带因调查而关闭,但此后又重新开放。 The area on South McCarran Boulevard was closed for investigation but has since reopened. 雷诺警察局重大事故调查组正在领导调查。 The Reno Police Department's Major Accident Investigation Team is leading the investigation. 鼓励任何有情报的人与警方或秘密证人联系。 Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the police or Secret Witness.