西澳大利亚州里兹维尔街395号公路附近发生致命的翻滚事故,造成一人死亡、多人受伤。 A fatal rollover crash near Ritzville, WA, blocks Highway 395, causing one death and multiple injuries.
华盛顿Ritzville附近的395号公路发生致命的翻滚事故,在州际90交汇处阻断了双向公路,造成一人死亡和多人受伤。 A fatal rollover crash on Highway 395 near Ritzville, Washington, has blocked the road in both directions at the Interstate 90 interchange, resulting in one death and multiple injuries. 当局建议驾驶员使用替代路线。 Authorities advise drivers to use alternate routes. 华盛顿州巡警正在调查这起事件,进一步细节尚待进一步说明。 The Washington State Patrol is investigating the incident, and further details are pending.