22岁的Michael Murray避免了因酒吧争吵而入狱, Despite 13 prior convictions, 22-year-old Michael Murray avoids jail for a pub fight, drawing criticism.
迈克尔·默里 (Michael Murray) 是一名 22 岁的年轻人,有 13 项前科,包括对一名学生造成严重脑损伤,他因最近的一次酒吧斗殴而避免了入狱。 Michael Murray, a 22-year-old with 13 prior convictions, including causing severe brain injuries to a student, avoided jail time for a recent pub fight. 尽管有改变最后机会的警告,但法院给了他另一次机会,甚至允许他保留他的XL恶霸狗。 Despite warnings of a final chance to change, the court granted him another opportunity, even allowing him to keep his XL bully dog. 这一宽大的判决受到影子司法秘书的批评,后者呼吁总检察长进行干预。 This lenient sentence faced criticism from the shadow justice secretary, who called for the Attorney General to intervene.