癌症幸存者Gavin Todd,5岁, 在击败淋巴瘤后返回家乡新泽西游行. Cancer survivor Gavin Todd, 5, returns home to New Jersey parade after beating lymphoma.
来自新泽西的癌症幸存者、5岁的Gavin Todd在接受数月治疗后回家, Five-year-old Gavin Todd, a cancer survivor from New Jersey, returned home after months of treatment, greeted by a community parade featuring first responders, sports teams, and superheroes. Gavin在10月接受了淋巴瘤的诊断,现在没有癌症,但需要持续进行医疗监测。 Diagnosed with lymphoma in October, Gavin is now cancer-free but will need ongoing medical monitoring. Gavin和他的T球教练Alyssa Raymond是另一个癌症幸存者, 庆祝他们共同获得赦免的旅程。 The event honored Gavin's resilience, with his T-ball coach, Alyssa Raymond, another cancer survivor, celebrating their shared journey into remission.