加利福尼亚州于2025年实施新的法律,扩大对工人的保护,包括家事假和反歧视措施。 California implements new laws in 2025 to expand worker protections, including family leave and anti-discrimination measures.
加利福尼亚州在2025年加强了对工人的保护,新的法律扩大了休家事假的范围,加强了反歧视的执法力度,并为自由职业者和农业工人提供了更多权利。 California is enhancing worker protections in 2025 with new laws expanding family leave, strengthening anti-discrimination enforcement, and offering more rights to freelancers and farmworkers. 雇主再也不能惩罚拒绝参加宗教或政治会议的工人,必须提供超过250美元的书面服务合同。 Employers can no longer penalize workers for refusing to attend religious or political meetings, and must provide written contracts for services over $250. 农场工人在危险环境条件下休病假,这反映了立法者支持劳工的立场。 Farmworkers gain sick leave for hazardous environmental conditions, reflecting lawmakers' pro-labor stance.