加利福尼亚州立法者建议1299 SB将供热工人的负担转移给雇主。 California lawmakers propose SB 1299 to shift heat-illness workers' comp burden to employers.
加利福尼亚州立法者提出了SB 1299号法案,通过放宽工人对与热有关的疾病的索赔要求,改善农场工人的热安全。 California lawmakers have introduced bill SB 1299 to improve heat safety for farmworkers by easing workers' compensation claims for heat-related illnesses. 该法案将举证责任转移给雇主,要求雇主证明疾病与工作无关,而不是强迫工人证明其在工作中受伤。 The bill shifts the burden of proof to employers, requiring them to demonstrate that an illness is not work-related, rather than forcing workers to prove their injuries occurred on the job. 这项立法解决了目前不安全的工作条件和加利福尼亚州职业安全和卫生司人员短缺的问题。 This legislation addresses the ongoing unsafe working conditions and the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health's staffing shortages.