一名61岁的男子在波特兰被一辆SUV击中,造成危及生命的伤势。 A 61-year-old man was hit by an SUV in Portland, suffering life-threatening injuries.
一名来自法尔茅斯的69岁妇女驾驶的一辆SUV于星期五中午12时20分左右被击中,Portland的一名61岁男子受重伤。 A 61-year-old man in Portland was severely injured after being hit by an SUV driven by a 69-year-old woman from Falmouth on Friday around 12:20 p.m. 事故发生在Fore街和India街交汇处。 The accident happened at the intersection of Fore and India Streets. 受害人被带往缅因州医疗中心,造成危及生命的伤势。 The victim was taken to Maine Medical Center with life-threatening injuries. 波特兰警察局正在调查,尚未提出指控。 The Portland Police Department is investigating, and no charges have been filed yet. 鼓励证人同警方联系。 Witnesses are encouraged to contact the police.