19 岁缅因州居民在奥古斯塔附近的 95 号州际公路上发生单车事故,严重受伤。 19-year-old Maine resident critically injured in single-vehicle crash on I-95 near Augusta.
周一早上,一名 19 岁的缅因州居民在奥古斯塔 95 号州际公路 113 英里标记附近发生单车车祸,严重受伤。 A 19-year-old Maine resident critically injured a single-vehicle crash on Interstate 95 near mile marker 113 in Augusta on Monday morning. 这名来自纽卡斯尔的少年驾驶的2003年银色丰田塔科马皮卡车冲出道路,撞上隔离带,并撞上一棵树。 The silver 2003 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck, driven by the teenager from Newcastle, went off the road, hit the median, and struck a tree. 司机被送往奥古斯塔的缅因州总医院,伤势危及生命,然后被送往波特兰的缅因州医疗中心。 The driver was taken to Maine General Hospital in Augusta with life-threatening injuries before being flown to Maine Medical Center in Portland. 速度、恶劣天气和糟糕的路况都被认为是导致事故的因素。 Speed, inclement weather, and poor road conditions are considered factors in the crash.