Kelly James Toop在狱中服刑数十年后获得有限的假释。 A violent sex offender serving life, Kelly James Toop, is granted limited parole after decades in prison.
Kelly James Toop是来自不列颠哥伦比亚威廉姆斯湖的64岁暴力性犯罪者,他自1983年以来一直因一级谋杀、强奸和其他罪行而服无期徒刑,现已获得日假释。 Kelly James Toop, a 64-year-old violent sex offender from Williams Lake, British Columbia, who has been serving a life sentence since 1983 for first-degree murder, rape, and other crimes, has been granted day parole. 在严格的条件下,他可每月最多出狱96小时。 He can be out for up to 96 hours per month under strict conditions. 加拿大假释委员会的决定于12月作出,并概述了他所犯罪行的细节。 The Parole Board of Canada's decision was made in December and outlines the details of his offenses.