Terence Darrell Kelly被判13.5年徒刑,罪名是绑架Cleo Smith, 正在上诉。 13.5-year sentence for Terence Darrell Kelly, convicted of kidnapping Cleo Smith, under appeal.
三名法官将裁定Terence Darrell Kelly因2021年10月在西澳大利亚州家中帐篷绑架四岁的Cleo Smith被判处13.5年徒刑。 Three judges will decide on Terence Darrell Kelly's 13.5-year prison sentence for kidnapping four-year-old Cleo Smith from her family's tent in Western Australia in October 2021. 导致警方大规模搜查的这个案件,在18天后,Cleo的营救结束了。 The case, which led to a massive police search, ended with Cleo's rescue after 18 days. Kelly的律师认为判决过重 以他使用甲基安非他明 创伤教养和心理健康问题为由 Kelly's lawyers argue the sentence is excessive, citing his methamphetamine use, traumatic upbringing, and mental health issues. 上诉判决预计于星期一作出。 The appeal judgment is expected on Monday.