得克萨斯州文化在日本越来越受欢迎, 以得克萨斯州主题酒吧和美食为标志, 总督Abbott访问日本。 Texas culture gains popularity in Japan, marked by Texas-themed bars and cuisine, as Governor Abbott visits.
德州主题文化在日本愈演愈烈, 由德克萨斯旅游潮流及其消费习惯所推动。 Texas-themed culture is gaining traction in Japan, fueled by an uptick in Texan tourists and their spending habits. 这一趋势从德州主题酒吧的出现和德州启发的美食在日本的流行中明显可见。 This trend is evident through the emergence of Texas-themed bars and the popularity of Texas-inspired cuisine in Japan. 这两个区域之间的联系日益密切,德克萨斯州州长格雷格·阿博特也访问了日本,突显了彼此文化和经济利益。 The growing connection between the two regions has also seen Governor Greg Abbott of Texas visiting Japan, highlighting a mutual cultural and economic interest.