23 岁的巴西男子路易斯·莱莫斯·罗查 (Luis Lemos Rocha) 在都柏林机场被捕,查获了价值 11 万欧元的可卡因,面临非法持有和进口的指控。 23-year-old Brazilian man Luis Lemos Rocha arrested at Dublin Airport, €110k cocaine seized, faces charges of unlawful possession and importation.
23 岁的巴西男子路易斯·莱莫斯·罗查 (Luis Lemos Rocha) 在都柏林机场因缴获价值 110,000 欧元的可卡因而被捕并被拘留。 23-year-old Brazilian man, Luis Lemos Rocha, was arrested at Dublin Airport and held in custody after a €110,000 cocaine seizure. 3 月 31 日,爱尔兰警察和税务局官员发现了这些毒品。 The drugs were found by gardaí and Revenue officers on March 31st. 罗查出庭并且没有申请保释;他面临非法持有和进口可卡因的指控,据称目的是销售或供应,他将于周四在克洛弗希尔地方法院出庭。 Rocha appeared in court and did not apply for bail; he faces charges of unlawful possession and importation of cocaine, allegedly for the purpose of sale or supply, and is set to appear at Cloverhill District Court on Thursday.