孟加拉国的学生团体发起了一场运动,以推动从 7 月起义中宣布。 Student groups in Bangladesh launch a campaign to push for a declaration from a July uprising.
孟加拉国的学生团体将于 1 月 6 日至 11 日发起一场运动,以收集公众对 7 月大规模起义引发的宣言的支持。 Student groups in Bangladesh are launching a campaign from January 6-11 to gather public support for a declaration stemming from a July mass uprising. 反歧视学生运动和Jatiya Nagorik委员会将分发传单、举行集会和与不同社区接触。 The Anti-Discrimination Student Movement and Jatiya Nagorik Committee will distribute leaflets, hold rallies, and engage with various communities. 他们要求在1月15日前宣布公告,因为临时政府尚未取得明显进展。 They demand the proclamation be announced by January 15, as the interim government has yet to make visible progress. 如果政府寻求投入,组织者准备分享他们的草案。 The organizers are prepared to share their draft if the government seeks input.