南加州以游行庆祝欢乐节, 庆祝节日的结束。 Southern California celebrates Epiphany with parades, marking the end of the holiday season.
在南加利福尼亚州继续举行三王节庆祝活动,又称“欢庆节”,以游行和庆典庆祝节日结束。 Celebrations for the Three Kings, also known as Epiphany, are continuing in Southern California, marking the end of the holiday season with parades and festivities. 这一活动在西班牙文化中意义重大,它纪念了访问耶稣婴儿的三位国王的圣经之旅。 This event, significant in Hispanic culture, commemorates the biblical journey of the three kings who visited baby Jesus. 社区聚集一堂,庆祝各种文化活动和传统。 Communities are coming together to celebrate with cultural events and traditions.