Hanukkah和圣诞节今年恰好同时举行,在洛杉矶县的庆祝活动中融合了传统。 Hanukkah and Christmas coincided this year, blending traditions in LA County celebrations.
在罕见的日历巧合中,今年Hanukkah和圣诞节重叠,导致洛杉矶县的独特庆祝活动。 In a rare calendar coincidence, Hanukkah and Christmas overlapped this year, leading to unique celebrations in LA County. 光明节标志着持续八天的油奇迹,社区点亮了烛台,享受 latkes 和 sufganiyot 等传统美食。 Hanukkah, which marks the miracle of the oil lasting eight days, saw communities lighting menorahs and enjoying traditional foods like latkes and sufganiyot. 工作重叠引发了假日传统的混合,许多家庭将这两个庆祝活动的内容纳入其中。 The overlap has sparked a blend of holiday traditions, with many families incorporating elements of both celebrations.