Sibanye-Stillwater公司的目的是在裁员和面临价格下跌之后提高蒙大拿矿井的效率。 Sibanye-Stillwater aims to boost Montana mines' efficiency after cutting workforce and facing palladium price drops.
南非矿业公司Sibanye-Stillwater在去年将作业量减少40%并将劳动力裁减40%之后,正在努力提高其蒙大拿矿井的效率。 South African mining company Sibanye-Stillwater is working to improve efficiency at its Montana mines after reducing operations and cutting its workforce by 40% last year. 该公司计划测试新的采矿做法,使矿场再次盈利,并可能恢复全部开采能力。 The company plans to test new mining practices to make the mines profitable again and possibly return to full capacity. 这一努力是当市场面临挑战,金属价格降至2022年峰值的三分之一时进行的。 This effort comes as the palladium market faces challenges, with the metal's price falling to a third of its 2022 peak.