由于钯金市场下跌和 $350M 的亏损,Sibanye Stillwater 计划解雇 700 名蒙大拿州矿工。 Sibanye Stillwater plans to lay off 700 Montana mine workers due to palladium market decline and $350M losses.
由于市场下滑,Sibanye Stillwater计划在蒙大拿州的矿山裁员约700名员工,自2023年初以来,这导致超过3.5亿美元的损失. Sibanye Stillwater plans to lay off around 700 employees from its Montana mines due to a decline in the palladium market, which has led to over $350 million in losses since early 2023. 公司将把高成本的西斯蒂尔沃特矿业放在保养和维护上,同时将重点放在东斯蒂尔沃特和东博尔德矿区. The company will place its high-cost Stillwater West operations on care and maintenance while focusing on the Stillwater East and East Boulder mines. 参议员乔恩·特斯特批评拜登政府的政策, 并提出禁止俄罗斯进口的法案, 将其与市场的不稳定联系起来. Senator Jon Tester has criticized the Biden administration's policies and proposed a bill to ban Russian palladium imports, linking them to the market's instability.