60岁的Robert Gregory Corley 在阿肯色州因75起儿童色情重罪 被捕 Robert Gregory Corley, 60, arrested on 75 felony counts of child pornography in Arkansas.
Robert Gregory Corley是来自阿肯色州Sherwood的60岁男子,因与儿童色情制品有关的75项重罪而被逮捕。 Robert Gregory Corley, a 60-year-old man from Sherwood, Arkansas, has been arrested on 75 felony counts related to child pornography. 调查从失踪和受剥削儿童国家中心提供的消息开始。 The investigation began with a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Corley被关押在Pulaski县区域拘留中心,没有保证金,总检察长办公室强调承诺起诉此类罪行。 Corley is being held without bond at the Pulaski County Regional Detention Center, and the Attorney General's office has emphasized a commitment to prosecuting such crimes.