Pullman警察局长Jake Opgenorth因家庭暴力指控而请假。 Pullman Police Chief Jake Opgenorth placed on leave over domestic violence allegations.
Pullman,华盛顿警察局长Jake Opgenorth 正在休行政假,并正在调查一名妇女申请保护令后据称的家庭暴力和攻击行为。 Pullman, Washington's Police Chief Jake Opgenorth is on administrative leave and under investigation for alleged domestic violence and assault after a woman filed for a protection order. 华盛顿州巡警正在调查此案 Opgenorth已奉命交出他的枪械 The Washington State Patrol is investigating the case, and Opgenorth has been ordered to surrender his firearms. 在调查继续进行期间,指挥官Aaron Breshears正在担任代理警察局长。 Commander Aaron Breshears is serving as the Acting Chief of Police while the investigation continues.