幼年双胞胎Tate和Carter命名为儿童奇迹网络家庭2025年1月。 Premature twins Tate and Carter named Children's Miracle Network Family of the Month for January 2025.
Tate和Carter早产14周,每个体重不足2.5磅,他们被命名为2025年1月儿童奇迹网络家庭。 Tate and Carter, born 14 weeks early and weighing under 2.5 pounds each, were named the Children's Miracle Network Family of the Month for January 2025. 在纪念基金会的支持下,他们在Yakima纪念医院的NICU接受了紧急护理,该基金会提供诸如捐赠牛奶和专用设备等必需品。 They received critical care at Yakima Memorial Hospital’s NICU, supported by the Memorial Foundation, which provided essentials like donor milk and specialized gear. 基金会的支助资金来自当地捐款,其中包括2024年CMN无线电台筹集的56 000美元。 The Foundation’s support was funded by local donations, including over $56,000 raised in the 2024 CMN Radiothon. 今天,泰特和卡特 蓬勃发展 和享受与家人的生活。 Today, Tate and Carter are thriving and enjoying life with their family.