2025年第一个婴儿,Sunny Kade Brandt, 出生于CHI St. Alexius健康维利斯顿医疗中心。 First baby of 2025, Sunny Kade Brandt, born at CHI St. Alexius Health Williston Medical Center.
2025年1月1日,当年第一个婴儿Sunny Kade Brandt出生在CHI St. Alexius健康维利斯顿医疗中心,体重5磅12盎司。 On January 1, 2025, the first baby of the year, Sunny Kade Brandt, was born at CHI St. Alexius Health Williston Medical Center, weighing 5 pounds, 12 ounces. 家长Mackenzie和Forrest Brandt(来自华特福特市,ND)对医院工作人员提供的护理表示喜悦和感激。 Parents Mackenzie and Forrest Brandt, from Watford City, ND, expressed their joy and gratitude for the care provided by the hospital’s staff. Sunny收到了当地捐助者赠送的一篮婴儿必需品。 Sunny received a gift basket of baby essentials from local donors. 2024年,该医院接生了634名婴儿,突出显示了医院对慈悲护理的承诺。 In 2024, the hospital delivered 634 babies, highlighting its commitment to compassionate care.