印度国防部长在边境地区发展会议上宣布了边境村庄的活力村计划, 指出基础设施的改善和经济增长. During the Border Area Development Conclave, India's Defence Minister unveiled the Vibrant Village program for border villages, citing infrastructure improvements and economic growth.
在新德里边境地区发展会议期间,国防部长Rajnath Singh概述了印度为改善边境村庄的基础设施和社会经济条件而采取的举措。 During the Border Area Development Conclave in New Delhi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh outlined India's initiatives to enhance infrastructure and socio-economic conditions in border villages. 他介绍了"活力村"计划,旨在将村庄转变为北方边境的"模范村庄". He introduced the Vibrant Village program, aimed at transforming villages into 'Model Villages' along the Northern borders. 主要成就包括,修建了8 500多公里的道路和400座桥梁,改善了电力和互联网连接,自2020年以来边境地区的旅游业增加了30%,促进了地方经济增长。 Key achievements include over 8,500 km of roads and 400 bridges built, improved electricity and internet connectivity, and a 30% rise in tourism in border regions since 2020, fostering local economic growth.