南达科他州的律师和监事会反对NCAA的要求将诉讼转移到联邦法院. South Dakota AG and Board of Regents oppose NCAA's request to move lawsuit over $2.8B settlement to federal court.
南达科他州总检察长马蒂·杰克利和监事会反对NCAA的要求将他们的诉讼移交给联邦法院. South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley and the Board of Regents are opposing the NCAA's request to move their lawsuit to federal court. 该诉讼于 9 月提起,对“Power Four”会议提出的 28 亿美元和解提出异议,声称它不公平地给南达科他州立大学和南达科他大学等规模较小的学校带来负担。 Filed in September, the lawsuit contests a $2.8 billion settlement proposed by "Power Four" conferences, claiming it unfairly burdens smaller schools like South Dakota State University and the University of South Dakota. 诉讼案还突出表明,女运动员只能得到10%的安置。 The lawsuit also highlights that female athletes would receive only 10% of the settlement. 法官将稍后决定地点。 A judge will decide on the venue later.