2名缅甸活动分子在仰光被捕,引起对酷刑的关注,当时政治异议正在受到压制。 2 Myanmar activists arrested in Yangon, raising torture concerns, amid ongoing political dissent suppression.
缅甸的两名非暴力活动分子Paing Phyo Min和Shein Wai Aung在仰光被捕,引起人们担心,由于军事政权在拘留期间的虐待历史,有可能遭受酷刑。 Two nonviolent activists in Myanmar, Paing Phyo Min and Shein Wai Aung, were arrested in Yangon, raising fears of potential torture due to the military regime's history of abuse in detention. 他们被捕时,持不同政见者不断受到压制,另外四名活跃分子因抗议商品价格高涨而被拘留。 Their arrests occurred amidst ongoing suppression of political dissent, with four other activists detained after a protest against high commodity prices. 自2021年2月军事接管以来,根据权利团体的说法,超过5 800人被杀害,27 529人被捕。 Since the military takeover in February 2021, over 5,800 have been killed and 27,529 arrested, according to rights groups.