梅西百货正在接受前总检察长查尔斯·福蒂 (Charles Foti) 的调查,涉及 $130M 费用隐瞒丑闻。 Macy's is under investigation by former AG Charles Foti over a $130M expense concealment scandal.
前路易斯安那州总检察长Charles C. Foti Jr.和他的律师事务所Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC正在调查Macy公司,检查公司领导人是否侵犯了股东的利益或违反了法律。 Former Louisiana Attorney General Charles C. Foti, Jr., and his law firm, Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC, are investigating Macy's, Inc., to check if the company's leaders have acted against shareholders' interests or broken laws. 调查是在Macy宣布推迟释放其2024年第三季度的收入之后进行的,因为对一名雇员在三年内隐瞒1.3亿美元以上的开支进行了法医调查。 The investigation follows Macy's announcement of a delay in releasing its third-quarter 2024 earnings due to a forensic investigation into a single employee's concealment of over $130 million in expenses over three years. 麦西计划在2024年12月11日之前公布全部结果 Macy's plans to release the full results by December 11, 2024.