梅西百货在发现一名员工掩盖 $154M 费用后推迟了其收益报告。 Macy's delayed its earnings report after discovering a $154M expense cover-up by an employee.
美国大型百货连锁店梅西百货(Macy's)在发现一名员工在几年内隐瞒了约 1.54 亿美元的送货费用后,推迟了其第三季度的收益报告。 Macy's, a major U.S. department store chain, delayed its third-quarter earnings report after discovering that an employee had hidden around $154 million in delivery expenses over several years. 涉事员工已离开公司。 The employee involved has since left the company. 梅西百货的股价最初下跌,但后来收复了一些损失。 Macy’s shares initially dropped but later recovered some losses. 该公司发布了一份简短的财务报表,结果喜忧参半。 The company has released a brief financial statement showing mixed results.