律师事务所对波旁街袭击事件起诉新奥尔良,声称14人死亡是可以预防的。 Law firm sues New Orleans over Bourbon Street attack, claims 14 deaths were preventable.
律师事务所Maples和Connick计划起诉新奥尔良市和新奥尔良警察局因2025年1月1日Bourbon街恐怖袭击造成14人死亡和数十人受伤的过失。 Law firm Maples and Connick plans to sue the City of New Orleans and the New Orleans Police Department for negligence related to a January 1, 2025, Bourbon Street terrorist attack that resulted in 14 deaths and dozens of injuries. 该公司声称,由于缺乏基本的安全措施,袭击是可以预防的。 The firm claims the attack was preventable due to a lack of basic safety measures. 他们代表一名受害者,正在调查这次袭击,并敦促受影响家庭直接与受害者联系。 Representing one victim, they are investigating the attack and urge affected families to contact them directly.