家庭的烦恼让我无所适从。 Family troubles leaving me at a loss.
一位忧心忡忡的家长发现,他们的中年儿子在他们成年女儿 8 岁时猥亵了她。 A concerned parent has discovered that their middle adult son molested their adult daughter when she was 8 years old. 家长现在情绪激动,不知道该如何反应。 The parent is now overwhelmed with emotions and unsure how to react. 当务之急是确保女儿的安全和幸福,同时应对这一消息带来的情绪动荡。 The top priority is ensuring the daughter's safety and well-being while dealing with the emotional turmoil that comes with this news. 这位家长还担心儿子的四个孩子和他妻子的反应。 The parent is also concerned about the son's four children and his wife's reaction.