印度允许向尼泊尔出口小麦,绕过其普遍禁令,以确保国内供应。 India permits wheat export to Nepal, bypassing its general ban to ensure domestic supply.
印度已准许向尼泊尔出口200 000吨小麦,尽管该国普遍禁止小麦出口以确保国内供应。 India has granted permission to export 200,000 tonnes of wheat to Nepal, despite a general ban on wheat exports to ensure domestic supply. 出口将由全国合作出口有限公司处理。 The export will be handled by the National Cooperative Exports Limited. 此外,外贸总局还免除了出口导向单位和特别经济区进口的合成编织织织物投入的最低进口价格规定。 Additionally, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade has exempted inputs for synthetic knitted fabrics imported by export-oriented units and special economic zones from the minimum import price requirement.