印度批准在禁止稻米出口的情况下向马来西亚出口200 000吨非巴萨蒂大米。 India approves 200,000 tonnes non-basmati rice export to Malaysia amid rice export ban.
印度批准2023年7月禁止大米出口,向马来西亚出口200 000吨非巴萨蒂大米,以控制通货膨胀和保障粮食供应。 India approves 200,000 tonnes non-basmati rice export to Malaysia amidst a July 2023 rice export ban to control inflation and secure food supply. 这项决定是在马来西亚总理访问新德里期间作出的。 The decision comes during a Malaysia Prime Minister's State Visit to New Delhi. 印度允许向尼泊尔、喀麦隆、菲律宾、塞舌尔、新加坡、埃及、肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚等国出口数量不等的非大米。 India has allowed non-basmati rice exports to countries like Nepal, Cameroon, Philippines, Seychelles, Singapore, Egypt, Kenya, and Tanzania with varying quantities.