印度批准出口100万吨糖,以稳定价格和支持磨坊。 India approves exporting 1 million tons of sugar to stabilize prices and support mills.
印度已批准出口100万公吨糖,以帮助稳定国内价格和卸载剩余库存,标志着其贸易战略的转变。 India has approved the export of 1 million metric tons of sugar to help stabilize domestic prices and offload surplus stocks, marking a shift in its trade strategy. 尽管今年的糖产量比去年预期要低,但尽管如此,国内消费仍然很高。 This move comes despite expected lower sugar production this year compared to last year, with domestic consumption still high. 该决定旨在支持糖厂在低价格下挣扎,并与印度为能源独立而增加乙醇生产的目标保持一致。 The decision aims to support sugar mills struggling with low prices and aligns with India's goals to increase ethanol production for energy independence. 这种有限的出口允许可能影响全球糖价。 This limited export allowance could affect global sugar prices.