前总统候选人彼得·奥比访问维权积极分子德莱·法罗蒂米(Dele Farotimi), Former presidential candidate Peter Obi visited rights activist Dele Farotimi post-prison, praising his courage.
前总统候选人Peter Obi在Farotimi保释出狱后访问人权活动家Dele Farotimi, Former presidential candidate Peter Obi visited human rights activist Dele Farotimi after Farotimi's release from prison on bail. Farotimi因与他写的一本书有关的诽谤指控被逮捕。 Farotimi was arrested on defamation charges related to a book he wrote. Obi赞扬法罗蒂米对善政的献身精神和面对逆境的勇气。 Obi praised Farotimi's dedication to good governance and his courage in the face of adversity. 这次访问是在奥比与前总统奥卢塞贡·奥巴桑乔会晤后进行的,重点介绍了为实现国家发展正在进行的努力。 The visit followed Obi's meeting with former President Olusegun Obasanjo, highlighting ongoing efforts towards national development.