尼日利亚律师Dele Farotimi因诽谤罪被捕,引起人们对法律管辖权的关切。 Nigerian lawyer Dele Farotimi arrested for criminal defamation, sparking concerns over legal jurisdiction.
一名尼日利亚法官在1980年代因谋杀未遂和非法持有火器而受到起诉,导致裁定州法院不能起诉联邦罪行。 A Nigerian judge faced prosecution in the 1980s for attempted murder and illegal firearms possession, leading to a ruling that state courts cannot prosecute federal offenses. 最近,律师Dele Farotimi在Ekiti州被捕并被指控犯有刑事诽谤罪,尽管根据当地法律,这并不构成犯罪。 Recently, lawyer Dele Farotimi was arrested and charged with criminal defamation in Ekiti state, despite this not being a crime under local laws. 这就引起对执法部门可能滥用权力和超越管辖权的关切。 This raises concerns about potential abuse of power and jurisdictional overreach by law enforcement.