尼日利亚权利倡导者Dele Farotimi在被指控犯有诽谤罪后获保释。 Nigerian rights advocate Dele Farotimi released on bail after being charged with defamation.
尼日利亚人权倡导者Dele Farotimi因据称在书中诽谤尼日利亚高级律师Afe Babalola的名声而被捕,随后获得保释。 Nigerian human rights advocate Dele Farotimi was released on bail after being arrested for allegedly defaming Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Afe Babalola, in his book. 面对诽谤指控,坚持自己无罪的Farotimi被准予3,000万尼泊尔元保释,并被禁止接受媒体采访。 Facing charges of defamation, Farotimi, who has maintained his innocence, was granted N30 million bail and prohibited from media interviews. 法律从业者纪律委员会拒绝吊销Farotimi的法律执照,称该委员会对与出版物有关的申诉没有管辖权,建议受害方在普通法院追究此事。 The Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee declined to revoke Farotimi's law license, stating it lacked jurisdiction over publication-related complaints, advising aggrieved parties to pursue the matter in regular courts.