印度的Telangana计划为最贫穷者提供住房,包括对部落地区实行特别配额。 India's Telangana plans housing for poorest, including special quotas for tribal areas.
Telangana政府的住房计划“Indiramma Illu”将优先为最贫困者提供住房, 包括农业工人、卫生工作者及残疾人。 The Telangana government's housing scheme, 'Indiramma Illu,' will prioritize housing for the poorest, including farm workers, sanitation workers, and the disabled. 首席部长A Revanth Reddy强调确保Indiramma住房移动应用程序不出现缺陷,并为部落地区规定特别配额。 Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy emphasized ensuring no deficiencies in the Indiramma Housing mobile app and providing special quotas for tribal areas. 该计划还提供增加房间的选择,旨在加强住房部,以有效执行该方案。 The scheme also offers the option to add rooms and aims to strengthen the Housing Department to effectively implement the program.