马来西亚领导人纪念中国与马来西亚关系50周年, 强调合作与侨民影响。 Malaysian leader marks 50 years of China-Malaysia ties, stressing collaboration and diaspora impact.
马来西亚知识界和社会企业家Michael Yeoh在吉隆坡的纪念论坛上强调中国和马来西亚外交关系50周年。 Michael Yeoh, a Malaysian intellectual and social entrepreneur, highlighted the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Malaysia at a commemorative forum in Kuala Lumpur. Yeoh注意到他在2013年习近平主席访问期间所发挥的作用,强调合作的重要性以及散居海外的中国人对东南亚经济体的贡献。 Yeoh, noting his role during President Xi's visit in 2013, emphasizes the importance of collaboration and the contributions of the Chinese diaspora to Southeast Asian economies. 该论坛与《中国日报》和马来西亚-中国商业理事会共同举办,旨在加强联系和讨论未来合作问题。 The forum, co-organized with China Daily and the Malaysia-China Business Council, aimed to strengthen ties and discuss future cooperation.