28岁的Devin Pruitt向副警长开枪,导致Pruitt被捕,一名9岁男孩受伤。 A 9-year-old boy was injured when Devin Pruitt, 28, shot fireworks at deputies, leading to Pruitt's arrest.
在琼斯县劳蕾尔的孤橡公寓,一名9岁男孩在除夕新年事件中受伤,当时多人向副手开枪和扔烟花。 A 9-year-old boy was injured during a New Year's Eve incident at Lone Oak Apartments in Laurel, Jones County, after multiple individuals shot and threw fireworks at deputies. 28岁的Devin Pruitt被逮捕并面临指控,包括因枪击儿童和攻击一名警官而遭到严重攻击。 Devin Pruitt, 28, was arrested and faces charges including aggravated assault for shooting the child and assaulting a police officer. 该儿童在位于杰克逊的密西西比大学医疗中心处于稳定状态。 The child is in stable condition at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. 没有警察受伤,但一辆巡逻车受损。 No deputies were injured, but a patrol car was damaged. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.