萨金特县青少年被指控点燃青少年。 Sargent County teen accused of lighting juvenile on fire.
萨金特县一名 15 岁男孩在一家农场商店的聚会上被点燃,严重烧伤。 A 15-year-old boy in Sargent County suffered serious burns after being lit on fire during a party at a farm shop. 这起事件发生在周日凌晨,目前正在接受警长特拉维斯·佩珀的调查。 The incident, which took place early Sunday morning, is now under investigation by Sheriff Travis Paeper. 该事件的一段视频在社交媒体上流传,视频显示 19 岁的兰斯·泰勒向男孩喷洒刹车清洁剂并纵火焚烧。 A video of the event, showing the boy being sprayed with brake cleaner and set on fire by 19-year-old Lance Tyler, has circulated on social media. 泰勒被指控使用危险武器严重袭击和鲁莽危害他人重罪。 Tyler has been charged with felony aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon and reckless endangerment.