研究发现老年痴呆症患者在疗养院经常被不必要地转移到医院。 Study finds Alzheimer's patients in nursing homes often transferred unnecessarily to hospitals.
一项新的研究发现,患有老年痴呆症或痴呆症的疗养院居民由于护理不匹配和个人偏好,更有可能有不必要的医院转诊。 A new study finds that nursing home residents with Alzheimer's or dementia are more likely to have unnecessary hospital transfers due to mismatched care and personal preferences. 研究人员建议实施高级护理规划,并使护理符合居民的愿望。 Researchers recommend implementing advanced care planning and aligning care with residents' wishes. 这项研究由金伯利·鲍威尔牵头,由国家卫生研究所资助,也建议增加对养老院工作人员的支助、培训和资源,以更好地照顾居民。 The study, led by Kimberly Powell and funded by the National Institutes of Health, also suggests increasing support, training, and resources for nursing home staff to better care for residents.