波特兰救世军本周为无栖身之所的成人 开放200个新的庇护所床位 Portland's Salvation Army to open 200 new shelter beds this week for unsheltered adults.
自1月7日起, 波特兰救世军将运营200个新收容所床位, Portland's Salvation Army will operate 200 new shelter beds starting January 7 to help unsheltered adults cope with winter. 床位将设在两个地点:西南第二大道的女性紧急庇护所和北威廉斯大道的摩尔街警卫队和社区中心。 The beds will be at two locations: the Female Emergency Shelter on Southwest 2nd Avenue and the Moore Street Corps & Community Center on North Williams Avenue. 这些收容所由城市和县提供的750 000美元资助,将提供过夜住宿和诸如食品和卫生用品等基本服务。 The shelters, funded by $750,000 from the city and county, will offer overnight stays and basic services like food and hygiene supplies.