波特兰倡导请愿,要求提前开放取暖庇护所,并将为无家可归者露营合法化。 Portland advocates petition for earlier opening of warming shelters and to decriminalize camping for the homeless.
波特兰的无家可归的倡导者正在请愿改变该市关于暖化收容所和露营的政策。 Homeless advocates in Portland are petitioning to change the city's policy on warming shelters and camping. 他们希望当温度降到冰下或冷雨和雪下时,可以打开掩体,而不是目前的政策,即只有15摄氏度或10英寸以上的雪才能打开掩体。 They want shelters to open when temperatures drop below freezing or during freezing rain and snow, instead of the current policy that only opens them at 15°F or with over 10 inches of snow. 请愿书还试图将无家可归者露营合法化,并收集了约280个签名。 The petition also seeks to decriminalize camping for homeless individuals and has gathered about 280 signatures.