菲律宾教育和科学部门联手加强公立学校的STEM教育。 Philippine education and science departments team up to enhance STEM education in public schools.
菲律宾教育部和科学技术部致力于通过更紧密的合作加强科学教育。 The Department of Education and the Department of Science and Technology in the Philippines have committed to strengthening science education by collaborating more closely. 这一伙伴关系旨在改进公立学校的STEM教学,并包括采用最佳做法和教师培训。 This partnership aims to improve STEM teaching in public schools and involves adopting best practices and teacher training. 目标是培养下一代科学家和创新者,将教育改进扩大到菲律宾科学高中系统之外。 The goal is to cultivate the next generation of scientists and innovators, extending educational improvements beyond the Philippine Science High School system.