2024年在北京举行的世界科学识字会议强调了科学识字对可持续发展的重要性。 The 2024 World Conference on Science Literacy in Beijing stressed the importance of science literacy for sustainable development.
2024年在北京举行的世界科学识字会议强调了科学识字在可持续发展中的作用。 The 2024 World Conference on Science Literacy in Beijing emphasized the role of science literacy in sustainable development. 与会者讨论了加强公众对科学的了解和教科文组织国际科学促进可持续发展十年(2024-2033年)的启动问题。 Participants discussed enhancing public understanding of science and the launch of UNESCO's International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development (2024-2033). 专家们强调,科学教师需要调整新的角色,利用技术提高全球科学知识水平。 Experts highlighted the need for science teachers to adapt new roles and the use of technology to improve science literacy globally.