马里兰州警察扰乱了4次汽车集会,并在除夕夜逮捕了3人,其中包括一名少年。 Maryland State Police disrupted four car rallies and arrested three, including a juvenile, on New Year's Eve.
马里兰州警察通过马里兰州汽车拉力特遣队,扰乱了四次非法汽车集会,并在除夕夜阻止了另外5次集会。 The Maryland State Police, through the Maryland Car Rally Task Force, disrupted four illegal car rallies and prevented five others on New Year's Eve. 在劳蕾尔,他们逮捕了包括一名青少年在内的三人,罪名包括持有被盗火器和逃离警察。 In Laurel, they arrested three individuals, including a juvenile, for offenses including possession of stolen firearms and fleeing from police. 这项行动旨在保护公共安全和防止对财产的损害。 This operation aimed to protect public safety and prevent damage to property.