费城发生 200 人和 100 辆车的聚会后,3 名青少年被捕,并被指控犯有多项罪行。 3 teenagers arrested in Philadelphia after a 200-person, 100-vehicle car meetup; charged with various offenses.
费城发生一起未经授权的大型汽车聚会,约有 200 名参加者和 100 辆车,3 名青少年被捕。 3 teenagers arrested in Philadelphia following a large, unauthorized car meet-up with around 200 attendees and 100 vehicles. 警方赶到现场并试图驱散人群。 Police, responding to the scene, tried to disperse the crowd. 一名少年拦住了一名警官的车辆,随后的追捕导致亚历克斯·柯林斯(18 岁)、詹姆斯·坎皮特利(19 岁)和一名 16 岁男孩被捕。 A juvenile blocked an officer's vehicle, and a subsequent pursuit led to the arrest of Alex Collins (18), James Campitelli (19), and a 16-year-old boy. 他们现在面临的指控包括犯罪阴谋、未解散和行为不检。 They now face charges including criminal conspiracy, failure to disperse, and disorderly conduct.