5 人因参与马里兰州非法汽车聚会而被指控;1 人在 8 月的驱散中因涉嫌枪支而被捕。 5 charged for involvement in illegal Maryland car meets; 1 arrested with suspected firearm in August dispersal.
马里兰州警方与马里兰州汽车拉力赛特别工作组一起,已指控包括四名马里兰州人在内的五人参与非法汽车聚会。 Maryland State Police, along with the Maryland Car Rally Task Force, have charged five individuals, including four Marylanders, for involvement in illegal car meets. 8月25日,一群人驱散试图占领巴尔的摩一个十字路口的人群,一名持火器嫌疑男子在驱散时被捕。 On 25 August, a man with a suspected firearm was arrested during a dispersal of a crowd attempting to take over an intersection in Baltimore. 自6月以来,工作队一直在打击非法展览驾驶活动,导致6人因7月3次不同的汽车集会而被捕。 The task force has been cracking down on illegal exhibition driving events since June, leading to the arrest of six people for three separate car rallies in July.